If you don't already have a domain name, please list some domain names you like and we will research their availability. Note that most .com domain names are already taken. Other extensions that are available include .net, .md, .io, .us, and .biz. Please let us know if you are open to using any of these other extensions to find your domain name.
What is the name of your business?
Please list the links for all of your social media accounts that you would like to link to from your website. (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc)
Please list the colors you would like used on your website and branding materials. Also, if you have fonts you like, please mention those as well.
Please provide any specific requests you have for the design of your website. For example, imagery concepts, ideas for photos, and the general feel you'd like to see on your website are helpful.
Please list links to your competitors' websites. Reviewing your competitors is helpful both from a design perspective and also for marketing strategy.
Please list a few links to websites you like. These do not have to be your competitors, just sites that you think look good.
What is the primary purpose for your website? In other words, what is the main thing you'd like visitors to your website to do? (Call you, sign up for your email list, buy your products, download an eBook, schedule an appointment online, etc.)
Choose one audience. The more audiences you try to reach, the more likely you will fail. Who are you speaking to? What are the business titles of the people you’re trying to reach? Where do they work? What do they like to do? What do they care about? Where do they spend time (online and in person)?
What geographic region are you going to be reaching with your website? (city, state, region, country, international?)
Please complete this sentence: In the area of _____ I/We know about (how to) _____ .
Please complete this sentence: Our/My company is good at _______ which helps people _____.
Write a short sentence or phrase that defines the purpose behind what you are doing.